We wish welcome you as a Member of
Successor to
Membership subscription rates:
Member £10.00 per annum
Our year runs from 1st
September to 31st August.
Two Newsletters are published each
year, Spring in March/April and Autumn in August/September, with a Winter News
Sheet in December (later this year).
Our Annual General Meeting is usually
held at The Ashcombe School in October each year followed by a Reunion
Luncheon. Just as in the year just
past, this current year both events are
being held at the Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate Hill, Reigate.
The next
Spouse/guests are welcome.
The first part of the form below enables us to register you
as a member.
Following your starting year Membership, we would much
prefer to receive your subscriptions as Standing
It is of great assistance to The
Associations administration, all volunteers, if you arrange to pay your
subscription by Standing Order.
Standing orders are set up to automatically pay subscriptions on 1st December each year. This is an instruction to your bank to pay
the subscription. The amount can only
be altered by you, the account holder.
The order can be cancelled by you at any time. There is then no need to
bank cheques and there is no need for to remember to write a cheque or incur
Please complete the details overleaf
and return as requested, we will then send the instruction to your bank. We will return a copy for your retention
Please rest assured that this order
will not operate until 1st December 2010.
If you have access to Internet banking
you can, of course, set up a standing order yourself. But you will need a Ref No. and Account No.
from the Membership secretary.
We will still need to receive details as per top half of the form, as well as
your signature. We would appreciate
your informing us if you do this, since we can then check our statements to
ensure that the order is working.
we will of course be happy to receive your cheque to cover your subscription.
Subscriptions are due annually on 1st September each year.
For non-UK
residents we are able to accept
payments via Paypal. Please contact us for more details.
I wish to
become a member of The Association. Please complete To The A.D.A. Membership Secretary: Ted Hazelden, |
Your Title
Your First Name
Your Surname
Your School Surname,
(if now
different) Years at School From
.......... Introduced by
. |
Email Address:
I wish*/do not wish* my email address
to be published in the Association Membership List * Please strike out as appropriate |
(This is for office use only and will NOT be published) |
NEWSLETTERS are normally snail mailed
but are available electronically as WORD.doc files I wish* / do not wish* to receive
Newsletters electronically. * Please strike out as appropriate |
This section will go to your Bank (Your)
own) Address :
.. Post Code:
I wish to
pay my subscription to The Association by Bank Standing Order |
Debit my account
sort code
Account number
Account name
Please pay to The Ashcombe Dorkinian
Association. Reference
Date ADAweb 2010 |