Issue No.1 Autumn 1992






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Editor’s welcome 

Membership Secretary’s Note


News of Old Dorkinians

Reunion Weekend

School Events

Future Newsletters

Memories of past



Dear 'Dorkinians'


Greetings to all of our old School friends. You will be pleased to hear that the Association representing ex‑pupils and staff from all of the Schools that have occupied the Ashcombe Road sites has now been formed.


We were pleased to meet those of you who attended the open meeting and it was good to hear from those of you who were unable to come. We met on the new mezzanine floor which has now been built in the old school hall. The present headteacher, Arthur Webster, attended the meeting and offered his encouragement and support to the Committee.


After discussion, the draft constitution was approved with amendments to paragraph 8 & 9, putting twenty‑one days in place of fourteen days.


I was delighted to be elected as the first Chairman of the Dorkinian Association which we hope will bring together many old friends from the first years of the school up to the present. Officers and Committee were elected and "potted histories" are offered for information ‑ their years at school span most of our sixty years' history.


With best wishes,


David Mountain

(0372) 273227



A Note from your Membership Secretary



It is hoped that as the membership of this new organisation increases we will be able to assist in 'local reunions' by enabling you to contact 'lost friends' where possible. It is hoped to complete a 'roll' of names, which, with the permission of the member, we can make available to personal requests.



Chris Tottman

(0306) 885253





The annual subscription is £5 for a single member or £8 for a joint subscription at one address. For school leavers, their first year's subscription is £2 and it will remain at this rate whilst students are in full time education.


A spare copy of the subscription form is enclosed. Please pass it on to one of your old school friends and feel free to photocopy it. Please inform us if we have an incorrect address or if you have recently moved to a new pasture. Our own records are out of the 'ark’!



Hilda Burden (Dudley) (Secretary : 0737 842516)


DCGS 1949‑53, has 2 sons, David and Adrian, who were educated at DCGS and The Ashcombe School. A Governor for the past 17 years, first of DCGS and Mowbray School as the parents’ representative ‑and then as a County Council Appointee of The Ashcombe School. Chairman of Governors for last 7 years.


Harold "Harry" Child


DCGS 1945‑50. Living locally for most of the ensuing years. Served with Royal Engineers in Egypt 1954‑56. A Quantity Surveyor with both professional practices and building contractors. Currently self‑employed consultant to sub‑contractors.


Maureen Farley


Taught Music at DCGS from 1974 became Head of Department in 1978. Left The Ashcombe School in 1983 to do an M.A. in Music Education at The University of London. She gave up teaching in 1991 but continues singing and playing music. A lot of time is now taken up with travelling and enjoying life.


Colin Grundy (Staff Representative)


Remembered as that keen Biology teacher and hero of the fieldwork week. Has taught at the Grammar School from 1963 becoming Head of Science at The Ashcombe School.


David Mountain (Chairman)


DCGS 1943‑57. Still remembered by all as a friendly prefect and enthusiastic sportsman. Went up to Oxford before national service with the 'Gunners'. Later became an insurance actuary/underwriter. In 1960 joined Friends Provident, Dorking. Married Valerie in 1963 and has four daughters (Great!).


Julie Renton

Left the Ashcombe in September 1992 and is studying Hotel Management and Catering at Leeds University.


Libby Stone (Carpenter)

DCGS, 1943‑48, Old Dorkinian Association Committee Member. Talented hockey player. Still very close to school, living and teaching locally. 2 sons, Matthew and Nicholas, both old boys of DCGS.


Christopher Tottman (Membership Secretary)

Joined the Grammar School in 1972 in class 1B with Mr Ainge as form tutor. Remained at the School through the reorganisation to The Ashcombe School and achieved fame as the Sergeant of Police in the first Ashcombe G + S production (1989). Has remained in contact with the School by virtue of a Dorking address.


Cliff Weight

Following a sound, but rather unremarkable school career (Cliff’s own words) in the late 40's, my connection waned upon leaving. However, having hived in the locality all my life, I still have contact with some ex‑pupils and staff. This fact, together with my involvement with the Dorking Museum, resulted in my "being volunteered" to organise the display at the recent reunion. This culminated in assistance in the formation of the new Association.


Pupils' Representative

Two members of the present Sixth Form will be joining us on the Committee.





The reunion celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the School's foundation held in April 1992 was a great success. Some 1500 past students from the schools which spawned the present Ashcombe School met together over three days,. An exhibition of photographs and memorabilia was mounted in the Resources Centre (the Old Hall). In "decade" rooms, displaying more photographs and year lists, serious reminiscing got underway. The present Headteacher, Arthur Webster, welcomed his predecessors together with several retired members of staff, and a presentation was made to Rosa Baigent who masterminded the administration for the event ‑ a formidable task. Visitors came from as far as Brazil, Australia and South Africa and many friendships have been revived ‑ surely the true measure of a successful reunion.





It has been suggested that members may wish to attend events where they can meet each other over coffee. It is hoped that these, and other School events will become regular dates for your diary.



Forthcoming Events:


Carol Service: Still in St. Martin's Church on Thursday 17th December at 7.30 p.m. Coffee will be served afterwards in the Church hall. This is a great opportunity to meet present staff and pupils as we'll as old friends.




The Headteacher, Arthur Webster, has suggested that members may enjoy visiting the School while it is at work. It is hoped to arrange an 'open afternoon' early next year if members are interested. Your comments on this and other matters are welcome.




We hope to arrange reunions which will target specific year groups to offer you the opportunity of meeting up with old school friends again. Your comments please! Plus any ideas for events you would like to see the association co‑ordinate.





It is hoped that we will produce two a year, but your own contributions are needed to make them interesting – births, marriages and deaths and any other interesting information you wish to share. Notices of any reunions, large or small and wherever the location. Reminiscences maybe these excerpts from the Headmaster's reports to Governors will jog your memories.





July 1947 The School Scout Troop played a prominent part in the Surrey Rally

which was held at Ranmore during Whitsun weekend and the troop, under

Mr Bradshaw, will spend a fortnight in the New Forest in camp during the

first half of August.


November 1947 The School Dramatic Society has begun rehearsals for the annual play

which is to be Shaw's 'Arms and the Man', to be performed at the end of



The School Choir and the old Dorkinian Choir will combine in a

performance of Mendelssohn's 'Elijah' to be given at the end of March,

with the well‑known baritone, Mr. Robert Irwin, singing the title role.


June 1949 During the next week we shall be sending teams, to compete in the

Dorking and District Schools' Athletic Sports and in the Surrey Grammar

School Sports at Imber Court.


February 1950 A number of School visits have taken place: Miss Moore has taken a

party to the theatre to see Moliere's 'L'Avare'; Miss, Rigby has taken a

large party to the Exhibition of French Landscapes; Mr Rowlatt and Mr.

Hayter have taken a party of senior boys to the Gas Works at Fulham; and

Mr. Howard has taken members of the Stamp Club to Faraday House.


October 1955 Five pupils, four girls and a boy, spent three weeks in Hamburg as part of

an exchange arranged with a German School.


February 1957 The House Plays Competition, a very popular feature of this term's

programme, will take place on Monday 2nd April.


And from the Dorking Grammar School Magazine 1969/70 –


On the school notice board: "Will anybody who wishes to enter the pram race, please contact Mr. Pentecost as soon as possible!"


The 'Hush‑In' last term raised £180 ‑ useful practice for some members of the school.


Overheard: Doc. Morgan to sixth form, "Let's warm up with Dies Irae!"


Mr. Spiring has shaved his beard off. You might have noticed .......